Welcome to Edna G Olds Academy

Message from the Headteacher

Edna G Olds Academy is an inner city school situated within the vibrant community of Lenton, Nottingham. There are currently 238 pupils on roll who truly reflect the diverse cultural heritage of our wonderful local community, for example, 73% of our children speak an additional language other than English.

Developing a culture of excellence whereby the primary focus is upon exceptional teaching and learning provision ensures that all our pupils will flourish and get to realise their potential. Our children are encouraged to think creatively, question and embed a philosophy of high standards in order to achieve their goals. Our ethos promotes high personal, social and moral values, independence, self discipline and resilience. At Edna G Olds Academy we want to inspire our pupils to excel in every aspect of their lives.

Visitors are always impressed by our pupils’ consistently excellent standards of behaviour. When you visit Edna G Olds Academy you will witness enthusiastic pupils whom want to actively demonstrate key learning principles, share their learning opportunities and individual targets with you. The whole school community is passionately committed towards creating an environment that thrives on curiosity, challenge, encouragement and kindness.

Our academy has excellent facilities, which includes a modern purpose built Early Years Foundation Stage Unit, wonderful outdoor learning play equipment, and an ongoing commitment towards the provision for new and emerging technologies. We always endeavour to improve our children’s learning experiences, by listening to our pupil council voice to further enhance the teaching and learning environments (both indoors and outdoors).

Edna Leader Year 6 Spring 2

Contact Us

  • Church Street
  • Lenton
  • Nottingham
  • NG7 1SJ
  • 0115 9156813
  • admin@ednagoldsacademy.co.uk